Are you on a U.B.A. team or are you just visiting our website?
Are you over the age of 18?
What is your current bowling average?
What is your highest game score?
What is your highest series?
Which Bowling Center do you consider to be your house?
Rainbow Lanes
What kind of bowling balls do you prefer?
Hammer, DV8
What attracted you to the U.B.A.?
Team member wearing the jersey and home lanes always displaying the banner, I asked him about the jersey and group and he impressed me. I want to become a member and join a team as well as compete in upcoming tournaments.
Please tell us more about yourself.
I have been back bowling for 1 year now, since not bowling for 29 years. I learned to bowl during youth leagues from 8-12 years old, stopped bowling until invited to participate with a church league during my Junior and Senior high school years, then stopped bowling, only to visit the lanes one time in the past 29 years and that was when I scored my 258, my high series score during this last summer 2016.
I am a Father of 3 kids, live in NC near Raleigh, am 51 and work for the City of Raleigh and looking to get to a 200 average(current League average 176) or higher and compete in local and regional tournaments.
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