Are you on a U.B.A. team or are you just visiting our website?
Are you over the age of 18?
What is your current bowling average?
What is your highest game score?
264 646
Which Bowling Center do you consider to be your house?
Asheboro Family Sports Center
What kind of bowling balls do you prefer?
Hammer, Storm
Please tell us more about yourself.
I am new at bowling and I started this year really bowling and taking it serious and I started the league out with a 192 avg. it has dropped a few pins and I am in the process of rebuilding it. I have bought 3 new balls cause the one I was using is about burned up. since buying my new Pyramid balls and my IQ tour fusion my avg has increased by six pins. I am on a steady incline and I am looking for any tips on what to do to keep on improving.
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