Great Week This Week With The Ebonite Magic

This week I was on fire, I am almost afraid to post my score as I don’t think anyone will believe me. Last week I was ashamed to post them now I afraid. Well here it goes after the struggle last week I had my all time high score in league with an 846 series, my games were 278+289+279=846. This was my 4th 800 series in league. I even had an open in the 1st frame of the first game, I missed the 10 pin. I left 3, 10 pins and a 4 pin the rest were strikes. I used my ebonite magic on the right lane and my Brunswick twisted fury solid on the left lane. The magic had 2000 abralon and the twisted fury had 1000 on it. I love these abralon pads if you don’t have them you really should try them. They keep my ball reaction more consistent.

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